歌川芳虎による浮世絵「The Fourty-seven Ronin: Act l. Lady Enya with Tadayoshi and Wakasa at Hachiman Shrine」
作品名:The Fourty-seven Ronin: Act l. Lady Enya with Tadayoshi and Wakasa at Hachiman Shrine
情報源:Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
浮世絵(全 988 件)を表示...
Lady Enya with Tadayoshi (deputy for the shogun, Moronao) and Wakasa at Hachiman Shrine: at right is a kneeling man, at left is a kneeling woman. Between them are two stern men standing, one holds a box & a samurai helmet. Beyond them is a blue stone wall & steps up to a courtyard between buildings. Several men in tall hats & a noble family sit waiting there.

30% 一致ボストン美術館