歌川広重による浮世絵「Shimada - 53 Tsugi Meisho Zue」
作品名:Shimada - 53 Tsugi Meisho Zue
情報源:artelino - Japanese Prints
浮世絵(全 24,751 件)を表示...
"Goju-san Tsugi Meisho Zue" (Famous Places of Fifty Three Stations" No. 24. Shimada. Oh-i River.
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17% 一致Artelino
![Shimada Suzuki Hiroshige (Hiroshige)による浮世絵「Shimada」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/japancoll/thumbs/p850-hiroshige-shimada-2388.jpg)
15% 一致Ronin
![The Suruga Bank of the Oi River near Shimada, no. 24 from the series Pictures of the Famous Places on the Fifty-three Stations (Vertical Tokaido) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige)による浮世絵「The Suruga Bank of the Oi River near Shimada, no. 24 from the series Pictures of the Famous Places on the Fifty-three Stations (Vertical Tokaido)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/chazen/thumbs/9d2e8478e1d01b1c360c24c09aea1f17.jpg)
15% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校
![Shimada Ando Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Hiroshige 1 Ando (歌川広重))による浮世絵「Shimada」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/jaodb/thumbs/Hiroshige_1_Ando-53_Stations_of_the_Tokaido-Shimada-00029485-021225-F06.jpg)
12% 一致JAODB
![No. 24, Shimada: The Suruga Side of the Ôi River (Shimada, Ôigawa Sungan), from the series Famous Sights of the Fifty-three Stations (Gojûsan tsugi meisho zue), also known as the Vertical Tôkaidô Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「No. 24, Shimada: The Suruga Side of the Ôi River (Shimada, Ôigawa Sungan), from the series Famous Sights of the Fifty-three Stations (Gojûsan tsugi meisho zue), also known as the Vertical Tôkaidô」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc154220.jpg)
11% 一致ボストン美術館
![No 24 Shimada Oi-gawa Shun-gan / Gojusan-tsugi Meisho Zue Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige (歌川広重))による浮世絵「No 24 Shimada Oi-gawa Shun-gan / Gojusan-tsugi Meisho Zue」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/bm/thumbs/AN00535192_001_l.jpg)
9% 一致大英博物館
![No. 24, Shimada: The Suruga Side of the Ôi River (Shimada, Ôigawa Sungan), from the series Famous Sights of the Fifty-three Stations (Gojûsan tsugi meisho zue), also known as the Vertical Tôkaidô Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「No. 24, Shimada: The Suruga Side of the Ôi River (Shimada, Ôigawa Sungan), from the series Famous Sights of the Fifty-three Stations (Gojûsan tsugi meisho zue), also known as the Vertical Tôkaidô」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc207377.jpg)
9% 一致ボストン美術館
![The Suruga Bank of the Oi River near Shimada, no. 24 from the series Pictures of the Famous Places on the Fifty-three Stations (Vertical Tokaido) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige)による浮世絵「The Suruga Bank of the Oi River near Shimada, no. 24 from the series Pictures of the Famous Places on the Fifty-three Stations (Vertical Tokaido)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/chazen/thumbs/e21b2c4f983fbe336808af7d537ba875.jpg)
7% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校
![The Suruga Bank of the Ãi River near Shimada (Station #24) Unknown, 無款 (null)による浮世絵「The Suruga Bank of the Ãi River near Shimada (Station #24)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/honolulu/thumbs/6667.jpg)
6% 一致ホノルル美術館