無款: The Great Kanto Earthquake 2 - Senja Fuda - Artelino

絵師: 無款

作品名: The Great Kanto Earthquake 2 - Senja Fuda

日付: Ca. 1923-25.

詳細と価格: 無款: The Great Kanto Earthquake 2 - Senja Fuda - Artelino

情報源: artelino - Japanese Prints
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"Sen-ja-fuda" (Thousand Shrine Emblem) is a strip of paper with one's name and other personal information which will be pasted to the walls and columns of temples by pilgrims. These labels, which testified the pilgrim had visited the temple or the shrine hundreds kilometers away, were monochrome and simple at the beginning. But they became colored and more elaborately designed as the pilgrimages became increasingly popular. Nowadays, Senjafuda are collected by hobbyists. On September 1st in 1923, the massive earthquake, Richter 8.4, jolted Kanto area. The collapsing building and the following inferno killed 140,000 people and devastated Tokyo and the surrounding area. (Left Sheet) After the earthquake, some of the survivors became refugees to the countrysides. (Middle) The survivors who had to stay built makeshift huts using anything they could find. (Right) People had to take bath using large beer barrels outside.


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