葛飾北斎: Mt. Fuji from Taiseki Temple - One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji - Artelino

絵師: 葛飾北斎

作品名: Mt. Fuji from Taiseki Temple - One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji

日付: Originally in 1830s. This re-carved edition was made probably in mid 20th century.

詳細と価格: 葛飾北斎: Mt. Fuji from Taiseki Temple - One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji - Artelino

情報源: artelino - Japanese Prints
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From the series "Fugaku Hyakkei" (One Hundred Views of Mt.Fuji) "Taiseki-ji no Sanchu no Fuji" Mt. Fuji is seen from a mountain-path near Taiseki Temple. It is the head temple of Nichiren Shoshu which was estublished in 1290. This edition was re-carved and added colors.


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