尾形月耕による浮世絵「Fujin Fuzoku zukushi (36 oban panels, e-hon album)」
作品名:Fujin Fuzoku zukushi (36 oban panels, e-hon album)
情報源:artelino - Japanese Prints
浮世絵(全 24,751 件)を表示...
"Fujin Fuzoku zukushi" (The Customs and Manners of Women) Ladies in different activities and traditional occasions were depicted. 36 oban prints plus 2 title pages in acordion album format. Dark blue silk brocade covers with flower design. This album was presented in "Dai San-kai Naikoku Kangyo Hakuran-kai" (the 3rd Trade Expo. in Japan) and received the excellence award for the specialty item art printings.