歌川国芳による浮世絵「One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets - no.5」
作品名:One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets - no.5
制作年:Ca. 1845.
情報源:artelino - Japanese Prints
浮世絵(全 24,751 件)を表示...
Ogura Nazorae Hyakunin Issu" (Ogura Imitation of One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets) No.5. Poem by Sarumaru-tayu, "In the mountain depths, treading through the crimson leaves, the wandering stag calls. When I hear the lonely cry, sad... how sad! The autumn is." (lower cartouche) Soga Hako-o-maru (later known as Soga Goro Tokimune), one of the Soga Brothers.
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6% 一致演劇博物館デジタル
6% 一致Artelino
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