歌川広重による浮世絵「Sunshu Fuji-gawa watashi-bune no zu 駿州冨士川渡船之圖 (Picture of the Ferry on the Fuji River, Suruga Province) / Honcho meisho 本朝名所 (Famous Places in Japan)」
作品名:Sunshu Fuji-gawa watashi-bune no zu 駿州冨士川渡船之圖 (Picture of the Ferry on the Fuji River, Suruga Province) / Honcho meisho 本朝名所 (Famous Places in Japan)
制作年:1832 (circa)
Colour woodblock oban print. Travellers crossing Fuji River in ferryboats; more travellers standing at quay and seated at hut; Mt Fuji in background. Inscribed, signed and sealed.