歌川国芳による浮世絵「Jisaisei shichijyuniin 地煞星七十二員 (Seventy-two Earthly Warriors) / Suikoden gokestu hyaku hachi nin 水滸傳濠傑百八人 (One Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Suikoden)」
作品名:Jisaisei shichijyuniin 地煞星七十二員 (Seventy-two Earthly Warriors) / Suikoden gokestu hyaku hachi nin 水滸傳濠傑百八人 (One Hundred and Eight Heroes of the Suikoden)
Woodblock print, oban tate-e. Clockwise from top: Seisuisho Tanteikei in a spotted coat with frilled collar; Shinkasho Giteikoku adjusting his sleeve; Hyakushosho Kanto seated in full armour; Tekkyoshi Rakka standing in full armour; Kinpyoshi Yorin seated, shouting; Kimmoken Dankeiju holding a coiled cord; Kaganshunkei Tohi seated with one hand to the back of his head; Tennokusho Hoki seated, resting his chin on his fan; and Maunkinshi Obo in a black helmet with half-mask.