歌川国芳: I い (No. 1) / Nanatsu iroha toto Fuji zukushi 七ツいろは東都富士盡 (Seven Views of Fuji from the Eastern Capital in Iroha Order) - 大英博物館

絵師: 歌川国芳

作品名: I い (No. 1) / Nanatsu iroha toto Fuji zukushi 七ツいろは東都富士盡 (Seven Views of Fuji from the Eastern Capital in Iroha Order)

日付: 1852 (6th month)

詳細: 詳細情報...

情報源: 大英博物館
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Woodblock print, oban tate-e. The actor Samwamura Chojuro V as Fujiya Izaemon, wearing an outer robe decorated with calligraphy in orange and blue (Inset: view of Mount Fuji from Ayase).


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