歌川国芳による浮世絵「Ichiman-maru, Hako-o-maru 一万丸, 箱王丸 / Honcho nijushi-ko 本朝廿四考 (Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety of Our Country)」
作品名:Ichiman-maru, Hako-o-maru 一万丸, 箱王丸 / Honcho nijushi-ko 本朝廿四考 (Twenty-four Paragons of Filial Piety of Our Country)
制作年:1842-1843 (circa)
Woodblock print, chuban tate-e. Hako-o-maru (the adolescent Soga no Goro) and his elder brother Ichiman-maru (the adolescent Soga no Juro) practicing sword-strokes on a pile of snow in preparation for their revenge.