歌川国芳による浮世絵「Shijo-nawate nite Nanke no eiyu taiteki wo… 四條畷にて楠家の英勇大敵を…」
作品名:Shijo-nawate nite Nanke no eiyu taiteki wo… 四條畷にて楠家の英勇大敵を…
制作年:1857 (4th month; 8th month)
Woodblock double triptych print, oban tate-e. Last stand of the Kusunoki at Shijo-Nawate, under a hail of arrows and among fallen warriors, showing (r to l) Wada Shinbochi Kenshu, Kusunoki Masatsura, Wada Shinbei Masatomo, Kazunoki Kazumori Masayuki, Koshiro Hyogo, and Noda Shiro.