豊原国周による浮世絵「Kataoka Gado as Torii Shinemon, Ichikawa Danjuro as Kurogo gumi Sukeroku, Iwai Hansiro as Agemaki 片岡我童の鳥居新右衛門、市川団十郎の黒午組助六、岩井半四郎の揚巻」
作品名:Kataoka Gado as Torii Shinemon, Ichikawa Danjuro as Kurogo gumi Sukeroku, Iwai Hansiro as Agemaki 片岡我童の鳥居新右衛門、市川団十郎の黒午組助六、岩井半四郎の揚巻
Colour woodblock triptych print. From an album of 78 prints. The Kabuki actor Kataoka Gado III in the role of Torii Shinemon, the kabuki actor Ichikawa Danjuro IX in the role of Kurogo gumi no Sukeroku, the kabuki actor Iwai Hanshiro VIII in the role of Agemaki, in the play 'Yuki to sumi kuruwa no tatehiki (白柄黒手廓達引)' performed at the Nakamura theatre, Tokyo from May, 1876 (Meiji 9).

35% 一致演劇博物館デジタル