豊原国周による浮世絵「Nakamura Shikan as Ichihara no Kodomaru; Bando Hikosaburo as Hirai Yasumasa; Onoe Kikugoro as Hakamadare no Yasusuke 中村芝翫の市原野鬼童丸、坂東彦三郎の平井保昌、尾上菊五郎の袴垂保輔」
作品名:Nakamura Shikan as Ichihara no Kodomaru; Bando Hikosaburo as Hirai Yasumasa; Onoe Kikugoro as Hakamadare no Yasusuke 中村芝翫の市原野鬼童丸、坂東彦三郎の平井保昌、尾上菊五郎の袴垂保輔
Woodblock triptych print. From an album of 78 prints. The actore Nakamura Shikan IV in the role of Ichiharano Kidomaru, the kabuki actore Bando Hikosaburo V in the role of Hirai Yasumasa, the kabuki actor Onoe Kikugoro V in the role of Hakamadare no Yasusuke in the play 'Fuemo sumu tsuki no shiranami (笛澄月白浪)' performed at the Shintomi theatre, Tokyo, in November 1875 (Meiji-8).

38% 一致演劇博物館デジタル