鈴木春信による浮世絵「Bride Riding in Palanquin (Koshi-iri), Number 3 from the series Marriage in Brocade Prints, the Carriage of the Virtuous Woman (Konrei nishiki misao-guruma), Edo period, circa 1769 (Meiwa 6)」
作品名:Bride Riding in Palanquin (Koshi-iri), Number 3 from the series Marriage in Brocade Prints, the Carriage of the Virtuous Woman (Konrei nishiki misao-guruma), Edo period, circa 1769 (Meiwa 6)
制作年:Edo period, Middle, 1704-1789

37% 一致ボストン美術館

24% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校