勝川春章による浮世絵「Actor Matsumoto Koshirô 2nd as Ogata no Saburô disguised as Matsuura Saemon in the play Ichi no Tomi Tsuki no Kaomise, performed at the Morita Theater from the eleventh month of 1774, Edo period, 1774 (11th month)」
作品名:Actor Matsumoto Koshirô 2nd as Ogata no Saburô disguised as Matsuura Saemon in the play Ichi no Tomi Tsuki no Kaomise, performed at the Morita Theater from the eleventh month of 1774, Edo period, 1774 (11th month)
制作年:Edo period, Middle, 1704-1789

20% 一致シカゴ美術館