屋島岳亭による浮世絵「Yang Guifei (Yôkihi) Viewing Cherry Blossoms from Verandah, from the series Cherry Trees for the Katsushika Circle, with poems by Shunrûtei Chikauo (Kaneuo) and Hakumôsha Kazumori (Banshu, Manshu), Edo period, circa 1823」
作品名:Yang Guifei (Yôkihi) Viewing Cherry Blossoms from Verandah, from the series Cherry Trees for the Katsushika Circle, with poems by Shunrûtei Chikauo (Kaneuo) and Hakumôsha Kazumori (Banshu, Manshu), Edo period, circa 1823
制作年:Edo period, Late, 1789-1868
36% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校