屋島岳亭による浮世絵「Woman Holding the Under the Cherry Blossoms (Hana no en) Volume of the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari)/ Books (Bunsho), from the series Seven Designs for the Katsushika Circle (Katsushika shichiban tsuzuki), with poems by Rokuzôtei Hôba and Bungaen Tomom, Edo period, circa 1826」
作品名:Woman Holding the Under the Cherry Blossoms (Hana no en) Volume of the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari)/ Books (Bunsho), from the series Seven Designs for the Katsushika Circle (Katsushika shichiban tsuzuki), with poems by Rokuzôtei Hôba and Bungaen Tomom, Edo period, circa 1826
制作年:Edo period, Late, 1789-1868