渓斉英泉による浮世絵「The Ferry on the Toda River near Warabi Station」
作品名:The Ferry on the Toda River near Warabi Station
![No. 3, Warabi Station: The Toda River Crossing (Warabi no eki, Todagawa no watashiba), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)による浮世絵「No. 3, Warabi Station: The Toda River Crossing (Warabi no eki, Todagawa no watashiba), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc165386.jpg)
45% 一致ボストン美術館

44% 一致メトロポリタン美術館
![No. 3, Warabi Station: The Toda River Crossing (Warabi no eki, Todagawa no watashiba), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)による浮世絵「No. 3, Warabi Station: The Toda River Crossing (Warabi no eki, Todagawa no watashiba), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc207602.jpg)
37% 一致ボストン美術館
![No. 3, Warabi Station: The Toda River Crossing (Warabi no eki, Todagawa no watashiba), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road Keisai Eisen, 渓斉英泉 (Keisai Eisen)による浮世絵「No. 3, Warabi Station: The Toda River Crossing (Warabi no eki, Todagawa no watashiba), from the series The [Sixty-nine Stations of the] Kisokaidô Road」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc129319.jpg)
34% 一致ボストン美術館

28% 一致FAMSF

28% 一致FAMSF

26% 一致Kruml

25% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校

24% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校

20% 一致ホノルル美術館

18% 一致東京国立博物館

15% 一致東京国立博物館

13% 一致MAK

9% 一致大英博物館