鳥居清長による浮世絵「Summer Twilight on the Banks of the Sumida River (Evening Cool by the Sumida River)」
作品名:Summer Twilight on the Banks of the Sumida River (Evening Cool by the Sumida River)
浮世絵(全 5,476 件)を表示...
During the Tenmei era when the town of Edo reached the peak of prosperity, bijinga(prints of beautiful women) by the carefree master Torii Kiyonaga were popular items. This image is the left side of a diptych displaying women as they cool themselves on the banks of the Sumida River. This group of relaxed women, disproportionately tall, are posed against bright, open spaces. (Tadashi Kobayashi, “Edo Beauties in Ukiyo-e”, 1994)

34% 一致メトロポリタン美術館

31% 一致ボストン美術館

19% 一致立命館大学

19% 一致Artelino

18% 一致Artelino

17% 一致シカゴ美術館

17% 一致アメリカ議会図書館

9% 一致メトロポリタン美術館