歌川豊国による浮世絵「Nakamura Nakazö II as Matsuömaru in the play, Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami」
作品名:Nakamura Nakazö II as Matsuömaru in the play, Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami
浮世絵(全 5,476 件)を表示...
This dynamic print is made distinctive by the heavy line of the actor’s mouth, a trademark of the actor Nakazö II. The line work in the creases of the kimono are heavier than usual and this, too,adds to the force of the depiction. The publisher, Yamaguchi-ya, opened its publishing firm in 1790 and was responsible for many of Toyokuni’s finest work up until 1820 when the company was dissolved. This fine bust portrait, under the strong influence of Töshüsai Sharaku but more forcefully designed than even that great artist’s work, is without question a masterpiece and exemplar of Toyokuni’s art at its very best. Only four impressions of this subject are known to survive and this is regarded as the finest example. (from Daring Moves Exhibition, 8/1/06-) This dynamic print is made distinctive by the heavy line of the actor's mouth, a trademark of the actor Nakazö II. The line work in the creases of the kimono are heavier than usual and this, too, adds to the force of the depiction. (from “Kabuki Actors on Stage” exhibition, 4/1/2003-)