鈴木春信: Osen the Teahouse Waitress - Japanese Art Open Database

絵師: 鈴木春信

作品名: Osen the Teahouse Waitress

日付: Not set

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情報源: Japanese Art Open Database
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Friday, 27 May 2005 Egoyomi: Osen the Tea-house Waitress Artist: Harunobu Format: Chuban tate-e: 11.25" x 8.25" Subject: One of Harunobu's greatest masterpieces. New year's day, 1765. Osen, the fabled beauty from the tea-house Kagiya, standing before the stone water cistern at the Shinto Kasamori Shrine, drying her hands on a silken cloth. Harunobu had a particular fondness for Osen and produced over forty designs using her as his inspiration. An Egoyomi (calendar print) with the numerals for the long and short months hidden among the dotted decoration of the water cistern. Among Harunobu's most famous designs. Another impression illustrated in Lane, 'Images From the Floating World' Harunobu's Masterpieces page 104, #93. Exceedingly rare and highly important. Date: 1765 Condition: Full size. Signs of British Museum matting at the edges on verso. Minor marks and flaws. Probably the finest surviving example of this great design. Colour: Extremely well preserved for a print from this early period. There are even traces of the fugitive blue pigment used for the water. Impression: Fine with heavy gauffrage on Osen's kimono. Other Notes: Provenance: From the Edith Ehrmann Collection, USA


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