歌川広重による浮世絵「Morning Scene at Masaki」
作品名:Morning Scene at Masaki
制作年:Not set
情報源:Japanese Art Open Database
浮世絵(全 17,130 件)を表示...
Morning Scene at Masaki, from the series Scenic Spots in Edo, by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) Masaki is near Shirohige Bridge at Ishihama Shrine along the Sumida River in the area of present day Senju, Arakawa ward. This is one of Hiroshige's distinctive snow scenes. A bright morning when snow has accumulated, boats and rafts ply their way along the river surface, cutting through the cold air. The only sound is the slight splash of water. The indigo blue and red are just right for this scene, conveying the sparkling bite of the air quality.

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