
Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Kochoro KUNISADA)による浮世絵




情報源:Richard Kruml
浮世絵(全 1,535 件)を表示...


An extremely important original wood block. Shows the onnagata actor Onoe Kikugoro IV as the chinohito, ‘wet-nurse,’ Masaoka, in the play ‘Konoshita Masagono Date-zome,’ performed at the Ichimura Theatre, 9/1855. Designed for the late, fine set of deluxe bust portaits published by Ebisuya Shoshichi ( except two ) between 1860 and 1869. There are also eleven designd by Yoshitora. The culmination of Kunisada’s carrer. On the reverse of the block is a design by Utagawa Kunitoshi ( 1847 – 99 ) with title Tokyo meisho Kaiunbashi dai-ichi kokuritsu ginko, ‘First National Bank at Kaiun Bridge, Famous Views of Tokyo.’ Published Meiji 10 ( 1877 ) by Naraha Shutei. Signed Kunitoshi hitsu. Blocks of seasoned wood had become expensive in the 19th century and old blocks were often planed down to be reused by later artists/publishers. Important blocks seldom come onto the market, and the few that do are invariably for later copies. Most were reused and/or burnt and destroyed. Signature Toyokuni ga with publisher’s seal Kinshodo and Sho; carver’s seal choko Ryuzo and Aratame censor’s seal 3/1860. Sold as is with some slight edge wormage, but otherwise surprisingly good condition. Status: Sold



Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Kochoro KUNISADA)による浮世絵
8% 一致Kruml