情報源:Richard Kruml
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The actor Nakamura Takesaburo playing a female itinerant tea vendor. A pair of panniers is slung across his shoulders holding the paraphernalia for tea making including, in the lower sections, a brazier and water jug. Published c1716-20 by Sagamiya. Published in Yamaguchi and Asano ( 1982 ), Moronobu – Harunobu, vol.6 of the Complete Dictionary of Ukiyo-e, Tokyo, Shogakukan, pl.86, p.46. Probably the only known impression extant. Very good impression with fine contemporary hand-colouring. Expertly restored corners and areas at left and bottom edges. One repaired wormhole beside the hand holding the bamboo rod. Signed Torii Kiyomasu hitsu. Status: Sold