歌川広重: - Richard Kruml

絵師: 歌川広重

日付: 1850

詳細と価格: 詳細情報...

情報源: Richard Kruml
浮世絵(全 970 件)を表示...


An original preparatory drawing for an unpublished set: Toto Fujimi junigatsu, “Mount Fuji Viewed from the Eastern Capital Through the Twelve Months”, this being Mutsuki. Sumi on paper, c. 1850-55, 9.5 x 13.75 in; 24.5 x 35 cms. Shows a full ferry crossing the Sumida. Slight soil and centrefold, but generally very good condition. Ex collection Beres, sold Paris 2002, lot 182. Status: Sold
