
Kawanabe Kyosai, 河鍋暁斎 (Kawanabe KYOSAI)による浮世絵




情報源:Richard Kruml
浮世絵(全 1,535 件)を表示...


An important collection of original drawings by Kyosai laid into two accordion albums, opening horizontally, 13.5 x 10 inches. Approx 157 drawings ( one signed and sealed; one signed and dated [ 6th October Meiji 3,1870 ]; and one signed ). After the date is the place: Shinobazu keidai Mikawatei, the garden of a temple ( Bentendo Hall ( ?) at Shinobazu pond, Ueno Park; Mikawatei being a restaurant. And the signature: Seisei Kyosai sui butsu rei hitsu, the drawing of Amida painted when drunk. Some drawings are from life, others seem to be memory drawings of his work, but most are preliminary ideas for books, prints or paintings. Many of Kyosai’s favourite subjects are represented including: skeletons, onis and cats. Drawings on this scale, spontaneous and with no need to impress, give a better insight into the mind of an artist, and on almost every page Kyosai’s humour shines through. Of particular delight are a group of drawings showing men on horseback playing some Japanese variation of polo, and a sheet recording new-born, still blind rats. Status: Available
