歌川広重: - Richard Kruml

絵師: 歌川広重

日付: 1849

詳細と価格: 詳細情報...

情報源: Richard Kruml
浮世絵(全 970 件)を表示...


An original preparatory drawing for a published print for the set: Kokon joruri zukushi, “Collected Stories Past and Present.” Published by Sanoki, 1849-50. Shows the Barrier-Guardian Sekimori Sekibei and the Spirit of the Cherry Tree. Illustrated in Tsuneo Tamba, The Art of Hiroshige, 1965, no. 457. Sumi on thin paper with touches of red and blue. 13 x 8.75 in., 33.5 x 22 cms. Status: Sold
