歌川広重: - Richard Kruml

絵師: 歌川広重

日付: 1840

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情報源: Richard Kruml
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An uncut fan print from a set of views in Ise: Ise meisho, Asakumayama toge no chamise, “Teahouses on the Mount Asakuma Pass, Famous Places of Ise Province.” Hiroshige used this view about a decade later for his oban tata-e set The 60-Odd Provinces. He cleverly uses the cliff sides to wrap around the uchiwa-e shape. Published c. 1840. Extremely rare. This actual impression illustrated in Hiroshige no uchiwa-e, Unsodo 2010, p. 78, pl. 108. Ex collection Maroni, seal at bottom. Fine impression and colour. Centre fold, as often, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga. Status: Sold
