情報源:Richard Kruml
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Tsukudajima hatsu kakko, “The First Cuckoo at Tsukudajima Island” from Hiroshige’s first major landscape set of 10 prints with title Toto Meisho published by Shoeido c 1831-2. This is the rare first state: with ochre border; graded blue on water, and with the publisher’s name and address in right margin. Ex Ernest Le Veel collection. Sold Ader-Picard-Tajan, 24/10/1980, lot 96. Fine impression and colour. Slight soil at left border. With the publisher’s name and address which is often trimmed on right, eg even the Pulverer impression pl 6, Hiroshige, Matthi Forrer, 1997. Very good condition. Signed Ichiryusai Hiroshige ga. Status: Sold

34% 一致ボストン美術館

34% 一致Kruml

31% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校

30% 一致Kruml

26% 一致大英博物館

25% 一致メトロポリタン美術館

22% 一致大英博物館

22% 一致Ohmi

20% 一致ホノルル美術館

18% 一致JAODB

17% 一致Artelino

17% 一致メトロポリタン美術館

9% 一致ボストン美術館