情報源:Richard Kruml
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The Yoro waterfall in Mino Province. Mino Yoro no taki. One of the best designs from Rokuju yoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-Odd Provinces.” The series published by Koshimuraya Heisuke between 7/1853 and 3/1856 ( this being 8/1853 ). The fall was also depicted by Hokusai in his set of waterfalls. Very fine early impression with strong woodgrain and blind-printing on the fall. The first edition has the falling water printed blue and other colour variations. ( See Pulverer impression in Rokujuyoshu Meisho Zue, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1996, no 23. ) The present state is preferred by some collectors. Fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga. Status: Available