情報源:Richard Kruml
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Tsuchiyama haru no ame, “Spring Rain at Tsuchiyama” from Hiroshige’s most famous set: Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi, “The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido.” The set jointly published by Takenouchi Magohachi ( Hoeido ) and Tsuruya Kiemon ( Senkakudo ), 1833-34. Shows a daimyo’s procession crossing the Tamura River in Suzuka Pass, east of Tsuchiyama. The area is famous for its green tea and infamous for the treacherous pass in winter. Very good early impression. Imperceptible centre fold and paper flaw at bottom left edge. Very good colour. ( Interestingly, a different pigment was used for the seals on this design which oxidises to a brown colour, rather than the usual red. ) Signed Hiroshige ga. Status: Available