
Ichiryusai Hiroshige (Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE)による浮世絵




情報源:Richard Kruml
浮世絵(全 1,535 件)を表示...


An excessively rare original sketch-book with MS. Diary at the end recording the last part of a trip Hiroshige started April 2nd 1841 from Edo to Kofu, this covering Nov. 13th ? Nov. 22nd 1841. Sumi on paper vigorously drawn and annotated with names and memoranda in Hiroshige?s writing. 7.75 x 5 inches containing 38 pages, two blank, with inscription on cover: ?Memories of Travel?.In slip-case inscribed HIROSHIGE/K.M.C. ( presumably the owner after Dr. J. Hutchinson ). Ex collections Mr Wilson Crewdson and then Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson FRCS ( vice-president Council of the Japan Society, London ). This diary is fully discussed and catalogued in The Colour-Prints of Hiroshige, Edward F. Strange, Cassell & Co. Ltd., 1925, pps 71-82 and 122-123 and illustrates two double pages. Contents are as follows: Page(s): 1. Title. Memories of Travel. 2. ( Blank ). 3. Taiko Iwa. Rock called Drum Rock. 4, 5. Mitake Michi, Gedo-no-hara, Koshu. Devil?s Plain on the way to Mount Mitake, Koshu or Kai Province. The rock on the summit of the mountain is called Katana nuki-ishi. ( 2-page. ) 6, 7. The view continued from No. 2 ( 2-page. ) 8, 9. Kurakake Iwa. Saddle Rock ( 2-page ). 10, 11. Zo-ga-hana. Cliff called Elephant Trunk ( 2-page. ) 12. Mitake Omon. Great Gate, Mitake. 13. ( Blank ). 14, 15. Place called Kajikazawa on the bank of the River Fuji, on the way to Mount Minobu. Two houses on the hill are tea-houses. There is an inn in the town. The whole way from this town to Mount Minobu has most beautiful scenery. Both banks are mountains and hills and the River Fuji flows between the mountains. ( 2-page. ) 16, 17. Sentaku Ishi. Large flat rock of that name, near Kiri-ishi town, the size of the stone is 4 to 5 Ken ( 1 Ken = 6 feet ) square. ( 2-page. ) 18, 19. Biobu Iwa. Screen Rock. ( 2-page. ) 20, 21. Kananashi-gawa. The River Kananashi. There are many large willow trees growing on the bank, the scenery is very beautiful. ( 2-page. ) 22, 23. Hayakawa. The river of that name. There is a ferry-boat on the main river, but travellers must wade the small branches running on both sides of the main river. ( 2-page. ) 24, 25. Ura Fuji. The back of Fuji as seen from Koshu Province. ( Written on this page are poems on Fuji. ) The Dream Mountain is like a dream; it is much more beautiful than I thought. Though people say the ?back of Fuji? yet it is very beautiful as seen from that side, and I regret very much they use the term ?Ura-Fuji?. ( 2-page. ) 26, 27. Place called Fujimaki; a fountain fed by a spring. ( Manuscript on the left is a poem. ( 2-page. ) 28, 29. ( A steep road winding up the hill, with the back of Fuji seen over peaks of other mountains. ( 2-page. ) 30, 31. General view of Takaozan Temple ( Shinto and Buddhist combined ). The details are named: A) The main shrine, copper roof; the building is painted with cinnabar. B) The Cakudo, Picture Hall. C) Fence painted with cinnabar. D) Shoro; Bell Tower. E) Kagurado; Sacred Dancing Hall. F) Niomon; large Gate with Nio Images. G) Stone Pagoda. ( 2-page. ) 32, 33. General view of Kashiozan Daizenji Temple ( Buddhist ). A) Yakushido; Hall of Yakushi Niorai. B) Highway leading to Enoshima. C) Hojo; Chief Priest?s residence. D) Omon; Gate. ( 2-page. ) 34, 35. Sakaori-no Miya ( Shinto Temple ) where the flint stone of Yamatodake-no Mikoto is in existence. ( 2-page. ) 36. Zenkoji ( Temple ) Shinano Province. A) Hondo or principal hall. B) Large Bronze Buddha. C) Monasteries ( on the right side are the same ). D) Main Gate. E) Ordinary house. F) Stone pavement about 3 Cho long ( about 648 feet ). 37, 38. MS. Diary. [The translation of which was collated by Strange from versions by Mr Hogitaro Inada; Mr Shozo Kato and Mr Matsuki and follows here ]: Nov. 13th: Fine weather. Made sumigaki ( black and white design ) for curtain. Was invited by Tsujiya for evening. The fish was good but sake and soba were bad, so speedily left at 10 o?clock. Wrote letter to Yedo. ( 14th. Fine weather. Began to paint curtain, lonesome evening, was invited to Narumiya, the guest was the widow of Yeirakuya of Yokaichi. ) ( Above was obtained from other manuscript. ) Nov. 15th: Fine weather. The curtain design was done. Took rest from noon. In evening had sake at Yorozuya?s. Just after Yotsu ( 4 P.M. ) begun to stretch another curtain on frame ready for painting, and then again sake feast. Nov. 16th: Fine weather, then half cloudy. During morning worked a little on curtain. Had sake feast at Noumiya?s. With some company went to an eel restaurant with Mansada and Genyemon. In evening all went to theatre and saw two acts of play. This was day of great booze. Nov. 17th: Fine weather. Commenced to paint theatre?s signboard. The screen for Narumiya was done. Worked a little at night. From late evening begun to stretch curtain. Sake feast continued till daybreak, and stayed at his house. During the night, Yeihach?s wife had a child. [ Yeihachi was a friend of Hiroshige.] Nov. 18th: Fine weather. The signboard for theatre was finished with colouring. There was a great feast in evening. Nov. 19th: Fine weather. In morning finished all painting work. Wrote bill for the curtain. In afternoon had the parting feast with all our circle of friends. After the baggage was sent out from Narumiya?s and the Yorozuya [ inn ] in the evening drank sake was drunk till late night. Nov. 20th: Cloudy, snowed little. Left Iseya at about 7 A.M., accompanied Matsumi but parted on outskirts of Kofu, hurried on alone and at evening at 6 reached Kamihanasaki where stopped for night. This lodging was very good. A man from Shinano was companion for the night. Nov. 21st: Fine weather. Started about same hour as yesterday. Passed Inume and Shigaraki and rested. Sake and soup was poor. At Uyenohara took rest again, and took lunch. At Yose stopped for night at the Inariya Inn. Had to sleep with two other people as aiyado. One was an actor, Tsujiya Hyosuke. Heard the story of Ozawa who attempted a great crime at Uenohara. Nov. 22nd: Fine weather. Left Yose in morning at 8 o?clock with company of one aiyado of the night before. Took rest several times, drinking sake each time but all were bad. By dusk stopped at Matsumotoya front of Myojin shrine of Fuchu. Sake was very bad. This may be the last such item to come onto the market. Status: Sold
