情報源:Richard Kruml
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A pupil of Hokusai who specialised in Surimono and book illustration. Used Hokuga signature until 1810, then Hotei Gosei. Shows Shoki, the demon quellor, descending to earth on a vapour cloud wielding a sword in order to vanquish demons. Painted entirely in red pigment. The subject matter and use of red ink comes from China. The colour was thought to exorcise evil spirits and was used to ward off illness. Red pigment on paper. Image size: 37.5 x 10.75 in; 95.5 x 27.5 cms. Very good condition. Old box. A fine painting exhibited and published: Itabashi Kuritsu Bijyutsukan, Hokusai and his followers – the collection of the best Ukiyo-e paintings. Exhibition Catalogue, Tokyo, 2008, pl. no. 57. Signed Manjiro Hokuga ga with seal Manjiro. Status: Sold