歌川広重による浮世絵「Kyoto: Sanju Ohashi no zu.」
作品名:Kyoto: Sanju Ohashi no zu.
制作年:ca. 1838
![Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc207700.jpg)
27% 一致ボストン美術館
![Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc164660.jpg)
25% 一致ボストン美術館
![Sanjö Öhashi in Kyöto (Station #55) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige)による浮世絵「Sanjö Öhashi in Kyöto (Station #55)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/honolulu/thumbs/3630.jpg)
24% 一致ホノルル美術館
![Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc144414.jpg)
20% 一致ボストン美術館
![Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc151107.jpg)
19% 一致ボストン美術館
![The Great Bridge at Sanjo in Kyoto (Kyo sanjo ohashi no zu), no. 55 from a series of Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusantsugi) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige)による浮世絵「The Great Bridge at Sanjo in Kyoto (Kyo sanjo ohashi no zu), no. 55 from a series of Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Tokaido gojusantsugi)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/famsf/thumbs/5049161418110096.jpg)
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![Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kyoto: The Great Bridge at Sanjô (Kyô, Sanjô Ôhashi zu), from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tôkaidô Road (Tôkaidô gojûsan tsugi), also known as the Kyôka Tôkaidô」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc235159.jpg)
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![View of the Sanjo Bridge in Kyoto Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige)による浮世絵「View of the Sanjo Bridge in Kyoto」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mia/thumbs/34745.jpg)
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