作品名:Braving the Snow, Our Troops Capture the Stronghold at Weihaiwei (Yuki o okashite, waga gun Ikaiei no kenrui o nuku zu)
![Braving the Snow, Our Troops Capture the Stronghold at Weihaiwei (Yuki o okashite, waga gun Ikaiei no kenrui o nuku zu) gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc168929.jpg)
60% 一致ボストン美術館
![Triptych: Despite the Snow the Japanese Army Perseveres to Hold Their Strong Position at Wei-hai-wei (Yuki o okashite waga gun Ikaiei no kenrui o nuku zu), Meiji period, dated 1895 gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/harvard/thumbs/HUAM-INV016389.jpg)
53% 一致ハーバード大学
![Braving the Snow, Our Forces Capture the Stronghold at Weiheiwei gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/chazen/thumbs/849a11a1d19314f27aa2812ecb4f4e58.jpg)
51% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校
![Braving the Snow, Our Troops Capture the Stronghold at Weihaiwei (Yuki o okashite, waga gun Ikaiei no kenrui o nuku zu) gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc131925.jpg)
41% 一致ボストン美術館
![Despite the Snow, the Japanese Army Captures the Stronghold at Wei-Hai-Wei gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/artofjapan/thumbs/57e65397427059d3da699a726967d2aa.jpg)
24% 一致ArtOfJapan
![Despite the Snow the Japanese Army Perseveres to Hold Their Strong Position at Wei-hai-wei (Yuki o okashite waga gun Ikaiei no kenrui o nuku zu), Meiji period, dated 1895 gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/harvard/thumbs/HUAM-INV016393.jpg)
20% 一致ハーバード大学
![Despite the Snow the Japanese Army Perseveres to Hold Their Strong Position at Wei-hai-wei (Yuki o okashite waga gun Ikaiei no kenrui o nuku zu), Meiji period, dated 1895 gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/harvard/thumbs/HUAM-INV016395.jpg)
19% 一致ハーバード大学
![Yuki o okashite waga gun Ikaiei no kenrui o nuku zu (Braving the snow our army captures the fortress at Weihaiwei) gCdTZv](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/bm/thumbs/AN00439951_001_l.jpg)
17% 一致大英博物館