歌川国貞による浮世絵「Descending Geese at Katada (Katada rakugan): Actor as Taira Masakado, from the series Eight Views of Ômi (Ômi hakkei no uchi)」
作品名:Descending Geese at Katada (Katada rakugan): Actor as Taira Masakado, from the series Eight Views of Ômi (Ômi hakkei no uchi)
![Actors as Taira Masakado and Takiyasha in Descending Geese at Katata (Katata rakugan), from the series Eight Views of Lake Biwa(Omi hakkei no ishi) Utagawa Kunisada, 歌川国貞 (Utagawa Kunisada)による浮世絵「Actors as Taira Masakado and Takiyasha in Descending Geese at Katata (Katata rakugan), from the series Eight Views of Lake Biwa(Omi hakkei no ishi)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/famsf/thumbs/5050161212710019.jpg)
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