歌川国芳による浮世絵「Kato Kiyomasa」
作品名:Kato Kiyomasa
情報源:Robyn Buntin of Honolulu
浮世絵(全 4,310 件)を表示...
From the series Heroic Stories of the Sengoku Period Kato Kiyomasa (1562-1611) Was one of the most famous warriors in Japanese history . He was born in the same village as Toyotomi Hideyoshi as a blacksmiths son. He later served Hideyoshi most of his life. He distinguished himself at the battle of Shizugatake and was known as one of the seven spears of that battle(1583). For this he recieved the fief of half of Higo province (250,000 koku)and the castle of kumamoto. He is most noted for his expeditions to Korea under Hideyoshi. There he showed an extreme determination and persistance especialy at the end of the second campaign where his forces held out against the chinese forces in ever worsening conditions at Ulsan castle. His men were literaly turned to the proverbial eating of bark until supplies arrived after several. Upon return he recieved the other half of Higo. He was a warrior through and through. Many times ruthless.He wrote to his followers later in life that poetry and dancing were shamefull pastimes for a samurai, and ordered anyone found doing so to commit suicide. He earned the name Kishokan or 'Devil General'.