歌川広重による浮世絵「Yasashi-ga-ura Nicknamed Kujuku(99)-ri hama, Kazusa Province」
作品名:Yasashi-ga-ura Nicknamed Kujuku(99)-ri hama, Kazusa Province
制作年:August 1853
浮世絵(全 2,123 件)を表示...
Located on the east coast of the B�s� Peninsula in Kazusa Province, or today's Chiba Prefecture, Yasashi-ga-ura Beach is better known as Kuj�kurihama, "Ninety-nine League Long Beach." As the nickname suggests, the beach is very long and even now a popular swimming and surfing destination for residents of Tokyo. In Hiroshige's time, it was famous for sardines, long an important part of the Japanese diet. Hiroshige depicted the locals drawing a long-haul seine, the traditional method of sardine fishing in the area. By using a bird-eye view, Hiroshige ably depicts the long stretch of gently curving sandy beach.

46% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校

32% 一致MAK

27% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校

23% 一致ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校

20% 一致Ronin

18% 一致ホノルル美術館
![Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc230749.jpg)
17% 一致ボストン美術館

16% 一致Artelino
![Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc135697.jpg)
16% 一致ボストン美術館
![Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc135698.jpg)
16% 一致ボストン美術館

16% 一致メトロポリタン美術館
![Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common Name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue) Utagawa Hiroshige, 歌川広重 (Utagawa Hiroshige I)による浮世絵「Kazusa Province: Yasashi Bay, Common Name: Kujûkuri (Kazusa, Yasashika ura, tôrina Kujûkuri), from the series Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan] ([Dai Nihon] Rokujûyoshû meisho zue)」](https://data.ukiyo-e.org/mfa/thumbs/sc208605.jpg)
15% 一致ボストン美術館

14% 一致大英博物館

14% 一致演劇博物館デジタル

11% 一致東京国立博物館

11% 一致Artelino

7% 一致WBP